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Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies Credit counseling association which requires members to abide by specific standards and limit the amount of fees they can charge.
Cialis Keep up to date with the latest osteoporosis cialis and arthritis news & developments.
National Foundation for Credit Counseling Credit counseling association which requires members to abide by specific standards and limit the amount of fees they can charge.
EWG Report || Skin Deep A safety assessment of over 7,500 ingredients in personal care products including shampoo, makeup, toothpaste and soap.
Mayo Clinic Drugs and Supplements Database Look up herb, vitamin and other supplement information as well as prescription and over-the-counter drug information. Visit for all your repair manual needs.
  StressEraser is an award winning medical device that does not require a prescription. It is a portable biofeedback device that shows you how to breathe properly so you can alleviate stress. StressEraser won the Frost & Sullivan 2006 Technology Innovation of the Year Award, and has been getting incredible press from Good Morning America, Forbes FYI, Washington Post and Women's Health.
zLink Find online stores and shop for Internet values.
Not all non-profit credit counselors are out to help you October 20, 2003 - Many credit counseling agencies promote themselves as "non-profit organizations" but in an advisory last week, federal and state regulators warned that some of these agencies aren't as benevolent as they seem.
Tax-exempt credit advisers scrutinized IRS investigating industry October 15, 2003 - The IRS has launched an investigation of tax-exempt credit counseling agencies amid concerns that some counselors are charging such high fees that consumers end up even deeper in debt.
USA Today article on finding an honest credit counseling agency. April 14, 2003 - Distinguishing between legitimate credit counseling agencies and the "bad apples" can be difficult. This article by Sandra Block offers tips to avoid being taken.
Regulators want to stop false health claims about coral calcium supplements June 10, 2003 - The FTC's complaint said the promotions falsely claimed the product will treat or cure all forms of cancer and diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, heart disease and chronic high blood pressure. The ads also made allegedly false claims that scientific research shows that calcium supplements can cure cancer.
Power toothbrushes a waste of money? May 13, 2003 - In a study that is sending shock waves through makes of electric toothbrushes, the Cochrane Oral Health Group culled nearly four decades' worth of research and determined that, with one exception, power brushes that can cost $100 or more don't work any better than a standard $3 manual brush.
Electronic device trims wallets, not abs, FTC says May 9, 2002 - Federal regulators filed lawsuits in California and Nevada against the makers and distributors of the AB Energizer, AbTronic and Fast Abs - alleging that the companies had engaged in false and deceptive advertising.
Executives benefit from workers' demise: 'Dead peasant' policies pay out to bosses when employees die Something to be aware about.
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